- Exclusive AQColor technology covers a wide variety of color spaces such as Adobe RGB, sRGB, Rec. 709, Display P3 and DCI-P3, ensuring the colors on your screen are the brightest, boldest and most accurate
- View files side-by-side with DualView. Easily compare photos and videos in specialized CAD/CAM, Darkroom or Animation display modes next to each other on one screen
- Ergonomic features allow you to customize your viewing experience with a tilt, twist or turn. Adjust the screen height or rotate to portrait mode for added comfort and workflow efficiency
- Keyboard Video Mouse (KVM) Switch allows users to display files, photos or videos from two different computers on a single screen. Easily work on multiple projects at once without worrying about transferring files computer to computer
- Eye care technology prevents eye strain, fatigue, and irritation with Low Blue Light technology, Brightness Intelligence, and ZeroFlicker filters out harmful blue light, automatically adjusts screen brightness based on your surroundings and eliminates annoying flickering. Brightness:350 cd/㎡
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